
【 male | how old is he? no one knows ( 21) | 5'9" | bi 】

Byleth is a stoic and somewhat fearsome swordsman who has traded his life as a mercenary for that of a professor. Despite having spent his years traveling from place to place alongside his father Jeralt, staying in one place only for brief periods of time, he now resides in Garreg Mach Monastery as he teaches the students of the Officer's Academy⏤ specifically those in the Golden Deer house.Having been taught by his father and further trained by experiencing things firsthand on the battlefield, Byleth is both a highly skilled strategist and powerful combatant, capable of directing others to victory and handling battles all on his own. On top of this, he bears the legendary Crest of Flames, and wields the Sword of the Creator as his preferred weapon. As such, he is an extremely powerful ally to have, and a terrifying opponent to go against. His title of "Ashen Demon" is rightfully earned.Good thing most everyone in the monastery considers him both an ally and a friend, so there should be no need for anyone there to fight him⏤ especially not to the death....Right?


‣ Always just a little bit tired, no matter how much he sleeps.‣ Has a seemingly bottomless stomach. Eats several meals a day, and can frequently be seen snacking in between.‣ Finds just about anything tasty, but enjoys seafood the most.‣ Refers to Jeralt as "father" when in the presence of others, but calls him "papa" when the two are alone, as well as in personal documents and writings.‣ Favorite pastime is fishing, and tends to get really into it, to the point where it seems theatrical to onlookers.‣ Enjoys gifting things to residents of the monastery, and will occasionally hand-make things to give, such as charms, flower crowns, or other small accessories and knickknacks.‣ Generally prefers to say things that will appeal to others, or that will encourage people to get along, but does has a habit of being brutally honest without thinking about it.‣ Has at one point tried a lengthier hairstyle that resembles that of his counterpart. Decided it was too messy and cut it.‣ Can fall asleep anywhere, and at any time. Living the dangerous life of a mercenary has taught him how to fall asleep whenever possible, regardless of the comfort level of the present location.‣ Owns a worn journal that he writes anything and everything in. Diary-like entries, plans for schoolwork, small reminders, and miscellaneous things that interest him are all written here. Whenever it is not on his person, it is locked in a small wooden box and hidden away. It is a very personal item, and Byleth does not wish for anyone to go snooping.

sothis related headcanons

‣ Much like how Sothis may fall asleep while Byleth remains awake, the reverse can occur as well. While Byleth is asleep, if Sothis is awake, she retains awareness of their surroundings, and can keep an eye on things until he reawakens.‣ Sothis can also cause Byleth to sleeptalk with a bit of effort. Her tone and expressions tend to come through when she does this, leading to some unusual expressions from the sleeping professor. His tendency to slur words together while asleep only proves to make this even more comedic.

canon divergence and account info

This section will cover specifics about my account, such as things Byleth has done and how I portray him.
Spoilers will be present, so be warned.

‣ Byleth is the professor of the Golden Deer house, and will always refer to such when speaking about his class and students. This doesn't mean he won't interact with other students from outside this house, but it is something noteworthy about this portrayal, especially since he has a tendency to try and recruit people into his class.‣ Byleth was able to prevent the death of his father after three Divine Pulses. The memory of seeing the great Blade Breaker Jeralt reduced to nothing in a single strike several times over is forever burned into his mind, but he does his best to keep from letting it distract him, and tries to remain positive about it, relieved that his father is safe.‣ After pursuing his father's attempted murderers, Byleth did succumb to the same fate of being trapped within the darkest of voids, and reluctantly fused with Sothis in order to escape. However, rather than this being a permanent choice as the two of them expected, Byleth's body was unable to sustain the power for little more than a few days, and the two's souls separated once more, allowing for them to continue internal conversation. Byleth and Sothis can now fuse whenever they wish, bringing their power to its absolute peak, but the act heavily drains both of them, and requires a lengthy period of rest immediately afterwards in order to recover from it.‣ Byleth was granted the Enlightened One class while he was still initially fused with Sothis, but once this fusion was lost, this boon was not revoked. As such, he uses this class at all times, utilizing all of its tactical benefits. That said, he does find the outfit to be a bit gaudy, so he continues to wear his typical darkly colored attire whenever allowed.‣ This account is pre-timeskip by default, and is generally set before Edelgard initiates her attack on Garreg Mach, but after being sealed within the darkness. For the most part, he retains his natural hair/eye color, and can to hear Sothis speak as per usual. When fused, he takes on his more ethereal appearance, with bright, glowing hair/eyes, Sothis' voice absent from his mind.‣ Planned post-timeskip roleplays are fine, but I will always be pre-timeskip by default, even if I am interacting with a post-timeskip account. As such, it is likely that Byleth will treat post-timeskip accounts with some unfamiliarity due to being unable to recognize them at first, but that will not stop him from interacting.
(Please note that my timeskip Byleth account is @RuIerOfDawn.)



( ●○ ) ; trust level (out of 5)
( ♥ ) ; lover
( ♡ ) ; crush
( დ ) ; admiration
( ∞ ) ; profound bond
( ♦ ) ; close acquaintances
( ☼ ) ; family
( ★ ) ; best friend
( ☑ ) ; friend
( ♣ ) ; acquaintance
( ☒ ) ; dislike
( ✘ ) ; strongly dislike
( ♠ ) ; hatred
( ☠ ) ; wanted dead
( ? ) ; unsure feelings
( ! ) ; fear/scared of


[ ●●●○○ | ☑ | ? ]

A tactician from another world that you met in Askr, and later joined in Smash. She is an intelligent and feisty woman whose skill is plain for all to see. You can't help but feel like there is more to her than meets the eye, and after an encounter with an unusual side to her, that suspicion has only grown stronger. Still, she is a pleasant individual to be around, even if her humor can be a bit crude at times.Of late, you've found yourself wondering what you really think of Robin. It should be a simple question to answer: you enjoy being around her. But for some reason, you feel like there is... more to it than that. You don't quite understand why, at least, not yet, but your feelings towards her are more complex than you had initially thought. Perhaps it will take more time to unravel, but luckily, you've got plenty of time to work with.

[ Support Level - B ]

claude von riegan

[ ●●●●○ | ★ | ☼ ]

The house leader of the Golden Deer. You and Claude have spent quite a lot of time together over this past year, and in that time, his presence has really helped you open up more; to figure out who you really are, and how you feel about others. In recent months, you've found yourself becoming more and more protective of him, more doting towards him, and after all this time, you've just finally figured out why.You see Claude in a familial light, and despite your inexperience and the relatively small age gap between the two of you, you treat him as if he were your own son. It's a strange and unfamiliar feeling, and you don't quite understand it all just yet, but it's warm and comforting all the same. You're not quite sure when it was that you latched onto him like this, but seeing as to how you've always treated him similarly, you can only imagine you've felt this way for a long time-- you just never realized it until now. For that, you thank Claude, because if not for him, you wouldn't understand yourself or your feelings at all.You feel so incredibly lucky to have him as a student, as a close friend, and in a way, as family.

[ Support Level - A ]


[ ●●●○○ | ♦ ]

The Hero of Blue Flames. A man raised as a mercenary raised by his father, much like yourself. Strangely, this isn't the only similarity between you two... Regardless, you admire his strength, his resolve, and his deeds, and you're happy to consider him an ally-- maybe even a friend. You're looking forward to facing off against him in Smash.

[ Support Level - C ]

Cyril Sattari

[ ●●○○○ | ♣ ]

A recent addition to your list of students. Cyril is certainly the hardworking type, yet he seems quite dedicated to only sticking to what he knows. You don't exactly think that's a bad thing, but you do believe that he would highly benefit from exiting his comfort zone and expanding his horizons. Hopefully, you should be able to give him a bit of help in that regard now that you are acting as his teacher.

[ Support Level - C ]

byleth eisner

[ ●●●○○ | ♣ | ∞ ]

One of many other versions of yourself.[ wip ]

[ Support Level - B ]

Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd

[ ●●●○○ | ☑ ]

The house leader of the Blue Lions. You're not as close to Dimitri as you are some of the others, seeing as to how he's unfortunately restricted to his original class, but you still want to help him whenever and wherever you can-- and it seems like he needs a lot of it. (Sheesh, no wonder he and Claude get along so well...)You hope to interact with Dimitri more, especially now that you've offered him a less utterly unforgiving training regime. You really hate to see him work himself to the bone, so hopefully you'll be able to keep an eye on him.

[ Support Level - B ]

Yuri Leclerc

[ ●●●○○ | ☑ ]

A resident of Abyss, and... sort of a student of yours? Well, more of a co-worker, really. He isn't technically a student at the Officers Academy, but you're happy to teach him just the same. Yuri's an interesting character, and despite all of his wiles teasing, he clearly cares for people, and you like that about him. It makes him a good leader, and a good friend....You also have an ongoing joke about him being your mom, but that's neither here nor there.

[ Support Level - B ]

Corian Brandt

[ ●●○○○ | ☑ ]

Once a student, now just a resident of Abyss. Corian has caused a lot of trouble for many people at the monastery, and despite his impulsivity and (sometimes literal) hot-headedness, you believe he has a good heart and generally good intentions. If only he knew how to keep those intentions in check......He does make a mean curry, though.

[ Support Level - B ]


Guidelines and shipping information are found in this segment.[ FORMAT ]
Example is Byleth's dialogue.
[ Example ] is actions/occasional writer commentary.
(Example) is character thoughts.
[ "Example" ] is Sothis' dialogue.
// Example is writer talking.
I do not generally use quotation marks in dialogue, so I apologize if this is confusing!
Let's start this off by making this as abundantly clear as possible: I will not ship with student characters. It does not matter to me if they're adults or post-skip or anything, I'm not gonna do it. As for faculty, I'm not particularly interested in shipping with most of them? But I am open to discussions for a few of them. I'm maybe 50/50 on Ashen Wolves for a variety of reasons, but since they aren't students, I would maybe consider it with time and a lot of chem.
Also I Feel Like This Should Be Obvious But I'm Not Going To Fucking Ship With Rhea Or Sothis Because That's Weird.With all that said, I'm pretty open to discuss ship possibilities, including those in the greater FE verse (because of FEH) and the Smash verse. However, please bear in mind that, even with ship preferences, I will only ship with chemistry, and am unwilling to ship immediately. I like to build up a relationship between two characters beforehand, it's both more fun and more realistic that way!Finally, please do not try and force a ship on me/my character if we have not discussed it beforehand! I really don't like having anything pushed on me, shipping or otherwise, so if you attempt to pressure me into a ship, you're basically ensuring that I will not be shipping with you. Let's discuss things like reasonable people, thank you![ FIGHT RPS ]
I am also more than happy to do fight RPs! My replies for these can get a bit long, but I like to be as detailed as possible with fights. For multiverse and FE fights, Byleth's capabilities will be based on the way he is built my personal file, and I will do my best to remain within these restrictions while still offering interesting scenarios for one to reply to. As for Smash fights, I will only stick to the moveset that is established within the game.
All art posts on this account are things I have drawn myself! As an artist, I hate the idea of reposting art, much less without credit. That being said, I won't not interact with you if you do repost art (with or without credit), but do let this serve as a gentle reminder to credit your artists, and don't use art you don't have permission for! If an artist says not to repost their art, then don't repost; it's just that simple!
My reply speeds can be somewhat inconsistent due to motivation and sleep schedule issues, so replies may be instant, or they may arrive several days later. I try not to drop RPs, so if I haven't replied in a while, I probably will eventually! If you're concerned about the length of time, feel free to (politely) DM me about it!
(SLs are an exception to this whole segment of course, I try to really kick my ass into gear during those, haha.)
Even if I don't follow you, I'm usually willing to respond regardless, so please feel free to interact with my posts! I highly encourage starters at any time as well, even if it's just something simple!Finally, I apologize if anyone is annoyed or overwhelmed by how much I reply with sometimes! I like to be descriptive and thorough, so I tend to write a few tweets worth of content when replying.[ WRITER'S OTHER ACCOUNTS ]
My writer carrd, which has all of my other roleplay accounts listed, can be found HERE.